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Supplies Needed for This Course

Here are the supplies needed for this course:

2 composition books (must be 100 pages)
1 folder
thumb drive
tape or glue sticks
colored pencils and sharpener with lid

Wish List for our classroom:
1 gallon freezer bags
Expo markers
Grade appropriate books for class library (if you have used books in good condition you would like to donate, that would be awesome).

Here is how supplies will be used:

Composition book 1: Writing Journal - all student writing (except computer writing) will be created and stored here.

Composition book 2: Author's Craft Notebook (student created textbook and reference that students will use throughout the school year).

Folder: Any loose papers, handouts that do not go into notebooks, etc.

Thumb drive: Save computer files as a back up

Tape/glue sticks: Tape is preferred because it lasts longer. This is what students use to attach papers into their composition notebooks.

Colored pencils and sharpener: Classroom pencil sharpeners cannot usually handle colored pencils very well. Handheld sharpeners work better. Colored pencils are used for a variety of things including note taking as well as underlining and annotations and creating artwork to accompany writing projects.

Gallon freezer bags: Protect composition books on rainy days.
Tissues: Cold and flu season as well as allergies - I use them all up every year and still end up buying more, so yes, tissues are awesome if you can send those in.

Expo markers: We all use them daily

Grade Appropriate Books for Class Library: Sometimes your child's bookshelf becomes overwhelmingly crammed with books. If your child can part with any of those beloved books, I would be happy to have them in our classroom library. Also, if you want to donate new books, of course, that's awesome, too!


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